Business Online Fraud Prevention Solutions


Fraud Prevention Solutions

Protect Your Finances

Proactive fraud prevention allows you to focus on your business, with the confidence that FSB&T does the double checking for you.

We offer comprehensive fraud prevention services, using the latest technology to monitor and track your transactions. We’ll stay in contact with you, alerting you to any discrepancies and ensuring all transactions are ones you’ve authorized.

FSB&T Positive Pay

Reduce risk with FSB&T’s Positive Pay, an automated tool that detects fraudulent activity by identifying unauthorized, counterfeit or altered checks through a daily verification of checks presented for payment against your check register before funds leave your account.

How FSB&T Positive Pay Works:

  1. You send us information about the checks you issue
  2. When checks are presented for payment, our Positive Pay service compares the dollar amount, check number, and date of each item against the information you have sent
  3. Checks that do not match with your issue information are provided to you as exceptions each morning for review
  4. Your decision to check for pay or return before check is posted to the account.

Cut Off Time

12:00 PM for return decisions

Features and Capabilities

  • Check issue reporting
  • Custom file options for check register import user entitlements
  • Custom email alerts
  • Daily exception report for checks that do not match file


  • Reduces check fraud
  • Automates Fraud Prevention Services